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Puntuació mitjana 484 Ressenyes
Fabrice Detemmerman ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Nothing to say everything is perfect (Original) Rien à redire tout est parfait

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Loric AMIZET ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) What can I say, the experience was really incredible, I will definitely go back, the prices for the all-you-can-eat formula are unbeatable and the quality of the dishes is there, I love it! (Original) Que dire, l’expérience était vraiment incroyable j’y retournerai sans hésiter, les prix de la formule à volonté sont imbattables et la qualité des plats est au rendez-vous, J’adore !

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Corine Almeida ha valorat a Google

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Amélie Gay ha valorat a Google

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Pierre Coste ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Perfect, Hoki Sushi Le Vesinet is welcoming, competent, reasonably priced, and it's super good. You can easily park around the restaurant. (Original) Parfait, Hoki Sushi Le Vesinet est accueillant, compétent, pratique des prix corrects, et c'est super bon. On peut se garer aisément autour du restaurant.

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Loic Lucas ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent restaurant but sick this morning (Original) Excellent restaurant mais malade cematin

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Romain Mialane ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) This is an all-you-can-eat menu, which is difficult to criticize as the value for money is very correct. (Original) Il s'agit d'un menu à volonté, difficile de faire des reproches tant le rapport qualité-prix est très correct.

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Akka Bray ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) It's a good restaurant that has its strong points and (unfortunately) its not really strong points... But I must point out (big sushi fan that I am) that it's an all-you-can-eat restaurant that remains above of the average and whose dishes were served (pleasant surprise) which does not require the round trip!! Small flat, I admit, on the "staff" who watches you eat, even if I understand the reasons it is not pleasant to have someone watch you eat (Original) C'est un bon restaurant qui a ses points fort et (malheureusement) ses points pas vraiment fort... Mais je me dois de souligner (grand fan de sushi que je suis ) que c'est un restaurant à volonté qui reste au dessus de la moyenne et dont les plats étaient servi (agréable surprise) se qui n'oblige pas l'aller-retour !! Petit bémol, je l'avoue, sur le "staff " qui vous regarde manger, même si je comprends les raisons se n'est pas agréable d'avoir quelqu'un vous regarder manger

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Gianni ha valorat a Google

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Clarisse Bertrand ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Order took away, smiling and pleasant service. Very good California Maki. We will come back! (Original) Commande a emporté, service souriant et agréable. California Maki très bons. On reviendra !

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Hoki Sushi© 2024
Avís legal

29 Rue du Marché
78110 Le Vésinet, France

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per OKO
